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Kampala, Central Division, 5 hours ago

Garmin Aera 660 |Portable Aviation GPS Device

GPS Devices
Brand New
Store address
Kampala • Central Division
City Star Bulding,Namunwongo-Indusrial area Kampala,Uganda Next to Daily Monitor, 3rd Floor,Room 9
Closed now
• Mon - Sat, 08:00-17:00
Advanced Capabilities in a Portable Package Rugged, purpose-built portable navigator with built-in GPS/GLONASS receiver and 5-inch sunlight-readable screen Intuitive, simple touchscreen operation and single power button make getting around the display a cinch 3D Vision perspective view shows terrain, obstacles, airport environment, optional traffic, nearest airport and more Wireless cockpit connectivity via Connext streams ADS-B weather1 and advanced traffic from compatible devices Cut the cord and database prices with Wi-Fi database downloads and the affordable Garmin Navigation Database Awareness in Your Hand The aera 660 aviation portable puts the latest Garmin technology in the palm of your hand, and it carries on our tradition of creating innovative navigators that go way back to the beginning of handheld aviation GPS.
USh 4,245,000
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