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Kampala, Central Division

Mid Wife Nurse

Job Type
Application Deadline
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Providing prenatal care,assisting with childbirth,and offering postpartum support
Requirements & Skills
A bachelor's degree in nursing or a midwifery program.skills like communication, empathy,and problem -solving are important for providing quality care.
Minimum Qualification Requirements
The minimum qualification requirement is typically a bachelor's degree in nursing or a midwifery program
Minimum Experience
less than 1 year
As a midwife you play a crucial role in providing care and support to expectant mothers throughout their pregnancy offer prenatal care,monitor the health of both the mother and the baby,and assist with the selivery process. Midwives also provide postpartum care, offering guidance on newborn care, breastfeeding,and emotional support.its a rewarding profession that allows you to make a positive impact on the lives of families
Safety tips
  • Don't pay fees for applying/interviewing
  • Avoid going for an interview at an unofficial office address
  • Do your research and check info about the company
  • Never disclose personal info before you get a job offer