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Kampala, Central Division, 10/02

Wordpress Multi-Vendor Marketplace Website

RoofTop Technology Limited
Company Name
Graphics & Design
Type of Service
Website Design
BigCommerce, Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop
Store address
Kampala • Central Division
Your feature-rich WordPress Multi-Vendor Marketplace includes: For Customers Customers can see all products, categories, and also get an exclusive list of vendors to choose from. Compare prices for a product offered by multiple vendors. Buy multiple products from different vendors in a single order. For Vendors A dedicated vendor store with ability to manage their profile. A detailed vendor dashboard to manage their products, coupons, commissions, customer questions. Ability to add and manage products, which includes adding virtual and downloadable products, setting tax or shipping classes, manage the inventory of each product. Can create, edit, delete fixed/percentage coupons For Admins Admin can easily add, manage or reject vendor applications A variety of commission types included: Commission/product, Commission/vendor and Commission/category. Admins can block or suspend vendors. Automatic or manual approval for products submitted by the vendor.
USh 400,000per service
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