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  5. Ceramic Hair Straighteners
Kampala, Central Division, 2 hours ago

Brush Hair Straightener Comb

Health Care for Your Head: This digital hair straightener is adventure combination for hair straightener and combs, making a beautiful hair and a health care massage for your head at the same time Faster Straightening Styling: This straightener brush design for reaching an ideal in seconds. Just few seconds, it'll make your hair straighten faster. Health Care for Your Hair: This hair brush straightener works in a low temperature which won't damage our hair, Anti-static technology reduces the amount of negatively charged particles during styling. Diminish frizz and fly while boosting style control. Multi-Functions: 3 in 1 function, merge the ceramic iron straightener, detangling brush, anion hair massager together, gives you a comfortable experience during straighten your hair Fashion
Brush Hair Straightener Comb
USh 50,000
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