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Price changes in March 2024

Effective 21st March 2024, we’ll be increasing the prices of all our Boost Packages. 

Please see the detailed description of the changes below: 

Alongside this slight price change, we also reviewed our Executive Packages. While we’ve phased out some Diamond and Enterprise Packages, we’ve renamed others to reflect their latest offerings:

🔘 Diamond Package will now have 2 options: Gold and Elite;

🔘 Enterprise Package will now have 3 options: Gold, Elite, and Lux.


They will not only offer all the old features but also will be enhanced with the following:

Increased promotion power to boost the visibility of your ads;

WhatsApp buttons and Discount features included in the Packages;

Increased marketing support of your ads through all available promotional channels.


Here’s a detailed description of changes in features and names of Packages: