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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find good candidates for jobs on Jiji?

There are a few ways how to find candidates on Jiji. Try both to be sure you hire your dream employee as soon as possible.

Search for CVs

  1. Go to the  "Seeking Work CVs" section;
  2. Filter available CVs: specify job type, salary range, age, gender, or location — whatever you consider as essential criteria;
  3. Check out potential candidates and contact the relevant ones via chat or phone.

Publish your job opening

  1. Click on the button  SELL;
  2. Сhoose category "Jobs" and suitable subcategory (career field);
  3. Complete all relevant information, such as company name, job type, responsibilities, required work experience, skills, etc.;
  4. Double-check if everything is correct and click on the "Post Ad" button.

We hope you find your dream employees soon!